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Flames of War

Our first game of Flames of War, with a simple clash between German and British forces in some nameless desert. All figures painted by Simon Campbell-Smith, terrain supplied by

Purbeck Terrain Systems - .

The initial setup was along each side of the Wadi, with the British on the low ground and Germans on the high ground. The Britsh were assualting.

skirmish_01.jpg - skirmish_02.jpg -

Both sides rush for the Wadi, with the heavy machine gunners taking position on the hills and digging in. Initial casualties were light on each side.

skirmish_03.jpg - skirmish_04.jpg - skirmish_05.jpg -

The Germans take heavy casualties, though both sides are refusing to move forward until reinforcements arrive in the form of tanks. For some reason, a plush Cthluhu turns up behind the Germans briefly as well…

skirmish_06.jpg -

A brief clash between thanks wipes out the German tanks, leaving them in a poor position relative to the British. The game ends without objectives being achieved, but with the British having an advantage.

wargames/wwii/flames-of-war.1252857409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/06 18:28 (external edit)