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Ground Based Installations

Ground based installations are military bases located on a planetary surface.

These installations do not pay a hull cost when considering points, making them slightly cheaper than an equivalently sized ship.

Core Systems

Ground installations do not have a command and control core system. The life support system is only important on a planet with a hostile environment (such as vacuum, or non-breathable atmosphere).


Ground to Orbit Laser

The ground to orbit laser has a Mass of 3, and costs 3 points. Larger classes double the mass for each extra size class. They hit and do damage like a standard beam weapon, and always have 3 arcs of fire (horizon to horizon from the planet's surface). They cannot be mounted on ships.

The range band of a ground to orbit laser (GOL) is 15“. It may be affected by atmosphere (TBD).


Small Military Outpost

A small military outpost with a single fighter bay, ground to orbit laser and point defence systems. This is typical of forward bases used by many nations, and is meant to be re-supplied on a regular basis. It can defend itself against opportunistic or raider attacks, but has little to stand up to a ground invasion.

ft/planets/installations.1390731475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/26 10:17 by sam